
How Long To Wear Compression Vest After Gynecomastia Surgery

WEARING A COMPRESSION GARMENT AFTER MALE BREAST REDUCTIONThe recovery from gynecomastia correction is generally shine, with merely mild discomfort and minimal bruising. Men can render to work and most normal activities in only a few days, although this will depend the extent of correction and their individual healing process. Equally part of the healing process, nigh men will need to article of clothing a compression garment for the first several weeks after their male chest reduction. But why?

The purpose of a compression garment, sometimes called a surgical garment or pinch vest, is to assist the pare contract and heal properly. As this device binds the chest tissue, the take a chance of swelling is profoundly diminished. Additionally, the light pressure will assistance to decrease post-op hurting. There are many types of compression garments available; during your consultation, your surgeon volition recommend the all-time production for your state of affairs.

Benefits of a Compression Garment:

  • Reduce fluid buildup – A surgical vest will decrease the post-op accumulation of fluid within the tissues (lymphedema), thus diminishing swelling.
  • Promote skin adhesion – The compression garment helps the peel to adapt to the newly contoured expanse, healing smoothly to create the desired flat chest.
  • Increases circulation – Added pressure from the surgical vest volition permit blood and plasma to broadcast freely throughout the post-op tissue, reducing the chances for seromas and hematomas.
  • Reduce side effects – A surgical garment volition diminish swelling, bruising, discomfort, and keeps the wound sterile, therefore reducing the chance of infection.

The Compression Garment

A properly fitting compression garment will hug the torso very snuggly. It volition not be unbearably tight, all the same. Your compression garment may feel a bit beefy at outset, but many men feel that overall, it helps to brand the recovery period much more comfortable. Made from a nylon, spandex, or cotton wool knit cloth, the expandable and breathable material stretches around the trunk, providing the support needed for proper healing. Most compression garments are easy to muffle nether t-shirts or work shirts. Your surgeon volition hash out how long he recommends the vest to be worn, usually ranging from four to half dozen weeks. During this time, the compression garment should exist worn 24 hours a day, merely to exist removed when showering.

Get the Facts About Gynecomastia from Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery

While you tin start your male breast reduction journeying with online enquiry, zippo compares to the personalized set of facts that comes from a trusted cosmetic surgeon. Houston's Dr. Paul Vitenas has xxx years of experience helping men with excessive breast tissue. Phone call our role at (281) 668-7370.

To find out more or to schedule your consultation. Not in Houston? No worries! Dr. Vitenas offers the same personalized consultation online, including tips and assistance for traveling to Houston for the surgery. Simply ask your patient coordinator for more than information.

How Long To Wear Compression Vest After Gynecomastia Surgery,


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