PLUTO 24-hour interval - February 17

Pluto Day - February 18


Every year, Pluto Solar day on February 18th celebrates the discovery of the former planet. Up until 2006, the dwarf planet was considered one of the nine planets in the solar system.

Clyde Tombaugh, an American astronomer, discovered Pluto. He made the discovery at the Lowell Observatory on Feb 18th, 1930 84 years afterward the discovery of Neptune. Pluto was named for the Roman god of the Underworld.

The proper noun likewise honors Percival Lowell. His initials are the offset 2 letters of Pluto. Lowell was an American astronomer who believed at that place was another planet beyond Neptune. He initiated the search that led to the discovery of Pluto. On March 19, 1930, Lowell Observatory officially appear the discovery of a ninth planet.

Planet or Not a Planet?

On August 24th, 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) reduced Pluto to a dwarf planet. The IAU adamant that Pluto failed to meet sure criteria that defined information technology equally a full-sized planet. A full-sized planet must:

  1. Orbit the sun
  2. Accept sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium
  3. Clear the neighborhood effectually its orbit

Pluto meets the first two criteria, but non the tertiary. In other words, there are no other bodies of comparable size nether its gravitational influence. Also, mod technology has allowed astronomers to discover other bodies in space that are the same size or larger than Pluto. While hundreds of dwarf planets exist, the IAU only officially recognizes five of them. They include Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake.

Despite these facts, scientists and the general public, have had a difficult time accepting the idea that Pluto is no longer a planet. Many people remember the mnemonic, "My Very Educated Mother Just Served U.s.a. Ix Pizzas." The first letter in each world helped them to remember the order of the planets. The "P" in Pizza, referred to Pluto. The mnemonic was inverse to "My Very Educated Female parent Only Served Us Noodles."

Just considering it is no longer a planet, you tin can withal learn interesting facts virtually Pluto:

  • Since its discovery, Pluto has non fabricated a consummate orbit around the sun.
  • It has five known moons.
  • Pluto's extremely thin atmosphere consists mostly of nitrogen.
  • Ane day on Pluto equals six.4 days on Earth.
  • It has ice mountains that are taller than the Rockies.

HOW TO Observe #PlutoDay

Planetariums, observatories, and other places that study the solar system concur special events on this day. To participate:

  • Ready your ain telescope and endeavor to find Pluto.
  • Larn more about planets and dwarf planets.
  • If you think Pluto should still exist a planet, write most it or talk over it with others.
  • Sentinel a documentary about Pluto, such every bit The Year of Pluto, Mission Pluto, or Chasing Pluto.
  • Find educational videos about Pluto on the Internet.

No matter what yous do, share your support of this dwarf planet on social media with #PlutoDay.


Pluto Day commemorates the anniversary of its discovery each year on February 18th, 1930.