
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Trainer

For other uses, see Trainers.

Trainers are NPCs who help increase proficiency in skills in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Most trainers offer their services from the commencement of the game, but some require certain tasks to be performed outset. Skills tin can but be trained five times per level, until the skill level exceeds the level of the trainer. All training requires that a fee be paid. Gilded is automatically subtracted from the inventory when a training session is accustomed. After you pay the trainers y'all tin pickpocket them for your coin back.

Changes from previous games

Unlike The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, trainers in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim only offer skill leveling from Skillful upwards. In previous games, trainers offered Apprentice-level and Novice-level training. There are skill trainers in Skyrim labeled as "Common" trainers; this is incorrectly labeled, as the trainers offer their services up to the Practiced level. Different Morrowind and Oblivion, at that place are no means to be trained all the way to level 100 in a skill. One thing that carried over from Oblivion is that trainers will but train up to five skill levels per grapheme level.


The more avant-garde the training session is, the higher it will cost. The cost of training a skill upward can be calculated as follows:

Levels 15–50: x * [skill level] + l

Levels 51–75: 30 * [skill level] + 50

Levels 75–90: 50 * [skill level] + 50

This cost is based on the skill level after all modifications. So for case, Speech training while wearing an Amulet of Dibella volition be priced at a level xv points higher than the raw skill level. Information technology is thus best to remove relevant equipment before grooming.

Trainers that are also merchants, such equally Arcadia in Whiterun, add together the gold paid to them for preparation into their inventory. 1 can easily recover gold spent on preparation by selling them items. The gold can likewise be pickpocketed back from the trainer, admitting difficult if information technology is a big amount.


Skyrim Training.png

The proficiency of trainers varies:

  • Practiced trainers tin railroad train up to level 50.
  • Skillful trainers can train up to level 75.
  • Master trainers can train up to level xc.

Once the Dragonborn's skill level is greater than or equal to the trainer's level, the selection for training disappears as there is no more that can be learned from this person.

Free training

Main article: Free Skill Training (Skyrim)

There are several quests or tasks available that grant free skill increases as a reward. They function much like skill books and are treated in the same way as regular skill increases.


Gratis grooming tin can exist exploited if a follower is also a trainer. Upon completion of a grooming session, the option to trade items with a follower can be selected to access their inventory and the thespian can so recover the corporeality spent on training.

There are only seven trainers who are followers:

  • Aela the Huntress – Archery, upwards to level 75
  • Athis – One-Handed, up to level 75
  • Farkas – Heavy Armor, up to level 90
  • Faendal – Archery, up to level fifty
  • Njada Stonearm – Block, upwardly to level 75
  • Vilkas – Ii-Handed, upward to level 90
  • Talvas FathryonDR – Conjuration, up to level 90

Additionally, gilt can be pickpocketed back later training sessions, but this becomes impossible at higher levels (even with maximum Pickpocket and Sneak skills) as the amount of gilt paid is often in the thousands. This can be surmounted by knocking down the trainer in some way, and so pickpocketing the gold back while they are on the basis. Yous tin pickpocket annihilation in a knocked down character's inventory with no compensation, even if the chance of success appears to be 0%. To knock down a grapheme, employ Unrelenting Forcefulness with all 3 words of ability, do a power attack with a two-handed weapon (you may receive a compensation), or, with the "Poisoned" perk, reverse-pickpocket a paralysis poison into their inventory. The thespian tin likewise use Ice Form on the trainer so heal the character, then while the person is recovering, quickly admission that trainer's inventory to recoup the toll. Information technology is possible to prevent a offense being charged against the Dragonborn by showtime joining the faction that the trainer belongs to.



Level Trainer Location Notes
Practiced Lami Morthal
Practiced Arcadia Arcadia's Cauldron in Whiterun
Skillful Milore Ienth Raven Rock Only available with The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn
Master Babette Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary Must exist a fellow member of the Dark Brotherhood


Level Trainer Location Notes
Practiced Dravynea Kynesgrove
Master Tolfdir Higher of Winterhold Must have joined the College


Level Trainer Location Notes
Adept Faendal Riverwood Potential follower
Proficient Aela the Huntress Jorrvaskr in Whiterun Must be part of Companions, Potential follower
Master Niruin The Ragged Flagon in Riften Must have joined the Thieves Guild
Principal Sorine Jurard Fort Dawnguard after completing "A New Order" Merely available with The Elderberry Scrolls V: Dawnguard
N/A Angi Angi's Army camp Related to the quest "Composure, Speed, and Precision"


Level Trainer Location Notes
Practiced Njada Stonearm Jorrvaskr in Whiterun Potential follower
Main Larak Mor Khazgur


Level Trainer Location Notes
Good Runil Falkreath
Expert Phinis Gestor Higher of Winterhold Must have joined the College
Master Falion Morthal
Main Talvas Fathryon Tel Mithryn Only available with The Elder Scrolls 5: Dragonborn.
Potential follower


Level Trainer Location Notes
Adept Wuunferth the Unliving Windhelm Located up the stairs in the Palace of the Kings.
Expert Garan Marethi Castle Volkihar Merely available with The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard
Expert Sybille Stentor Blue Palace in Solitude
Master Faralda College of Winterhold Must have joined the Higher


Level Trainer Location Notes
Expert Sergius Turrianus College of Winterhold Must have joined the College
Primary Hamal Markarth After The Heart of Dibella
Master Neloth Tel Mithryn Only available with The Elderberry Scrolls V: Dragonborn

Heavy Armor

Level Trainer Location Notes
Skillful Gharol Dushnikh Yal
Master Farkas Jorrvaskr in Whiterun But later on Proving Honor. Potential follower
Master Isran Fort Dawnguard Only available with The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard
Primary Kuvar Bujold's Retreat But bachelor with The Elder Scrolls 5: Dragonborn


Level Trainer Location Notes
Practiced Atub Largashbur
Master Drevis Neloren Higher of Winterhold Must accept joined the College

Light Armor

Level Trainer Location Notes
Adept Scouts-Many-Marshes The docks exterior of Windhelm
Expert Grelka Riften Marketplace
Main Nazir Nighttime Brotherhood Sanctuary Must be fellow member of the Dark Alliance


Level Trainer Location Notes
Expert Ma'jhad Khajiit Caravans Travels between Windhelm and Solitude.
Master Vex The Ragged Flagon in Riften Must be a member of the Thieves Guild


Level Trainer Location Notes
Adept Amren Whiterun
Practiced Athis Jorrvaskr in Whiterun Potential follower
Master Burguk Dushnikh Yal


Level Trainer Location Notes
Practiced Silda the Unseen Windhelm, exterior of Candlehearth Hall
Master Vipir the Fleet The Ragged Flagon in Riften Must be a fellow member of the Thieves Guild


Level Trainer Location Notes
Skillful Keeper Carcette Hall of the Vigilant Is killed if The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard is installed.
Proficient Aphia Velothi Raven Rock Only available with The Elderberry Scrolls V: Dragonborn
Adept Colette Marence College of Winterhold Typically in The Arcanaeum and must have joined the College
Primary Danica Pure-Bound Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun Only afterwards The Blessings of Nature
Master Florentius Baenius Fort Dawnguard Only bachelor with The Elderberry Scrolls Five: Dawnguard


Level Trainer Location Notes
Adept Ghorza gra-Bagol Markarth
Expert Balimund Riften
Master Eorlund Gray-Mane The Skyforge in Whiterun Must be part of the Companions
Master Gunmar Fort Dawnguard after completing A New Order Only bachelor with The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard


Level Trainer Location Notes
Adept Khayla Khajiit Caravans Travels between Whiterun and Markarth.
Expert Garvey Markarth
Principal Delvin Mallory The Ragged Flagon in Riften


Level Trainer Location Notes
Adept Dro'marash Khajiit Caravans Travels between Riften and Dawnstar.
Skillful Revyn Sadri Sadri's Used Wares in Windhelm
Expert Ronthil Castle Volkihar Simply available with The Elder Scrolls 5: Dawnguard
Good Ogmund Markarth Can be found in the Silver-Claret Inn
Master Giraud Gemane Bards College in Solitude


Level Trainer Location Notes
Expert Torbjorn Shatter-Shield Windhelm
Primary Vilkas Jorrvaskr in Whiterun Potential follower
Primary Fura Bloodmouth Castle Volkihar Only bachelor with The Elderberry Scrolls V: Dawnguard
Master Wulf Wild-Blood Skaal Village Only available with The Elderberry Scrolls Five: Dragonborn


  • The Official Skyrim Game Guide incorrectly lists three NPCs equally trainers, they are:
    • Melaran (Alteration)
    • Hermir Strong-Heart (Heavy Armor)
    • Ahkari (Pickpocket)


This section contains bugs related to Trainers (Skyrim). Before adding a issues to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the problems is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug study with the appropriate organisation template  360 / XB1 ,  PS3 / PS4 ,  PC / MAC ,  NX / PS5 ,  XS , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avert having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
  • Trainer dialogue may disappear at random intervals, without explanation, making information technology impossible to train.


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