
Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition Worth It

Borderlands 3 is the game all of the Borderlands fans were asking for. The concluding game that 2k released was Borderlands Pre-Sequel, but in my opinion, it was not as adept as to Borderlands ii. Since Borderlands 3 has been released, it has been a success that makes many fans of BL2 happy. Not only did it add new Vault Hunters, but a load of new mechanics and gameplay that the other Borderlands games lacked.

During my fourth dimension playing the game, I had a lot of fun just running effectually and exploring the worlds, something that didn't interest me in the other games. I also noticed the move has been improved, you lot can actually slide now. The weapons you can employ but experience actually good to utilise and everything seems pretty polished except the optimization, that needs some work.

If you want to buy the game, consider going to this Amazon link for the game hither.

  1. Is the game fun?
  2. How much time can you put into it?
  3. How many planets can you travel to?
  4. How does it compare to the other Borderlands games?
  5. Are there really over a billion guns?
  6. How is the story?
  7. Singleplayer vs. Multiplayer
  8. Is it worth a buy?
  9. Conclusion

Is the game fun?

Yes, information technology very much is. There is honestly soo much that yous tin do in the game whether it is hunting down a wanted criminal or helping out the locals in a town. From side missions to story missions, in that location is always something for you to be doing. 2K likewise implemented their organization of the new game plus dorsum through the use of True Vault Hunter Mode and Ultimate Vault Hunter Style.

Another huge matter that made the game actually skilful is its endgame missions. I won't say anything well-nigh that for spoiler reasons but it is definitely worth your time to beat the game just for that reason. The corporeality of enemies that the game has is incredible and it seems that they took a little bit more than time in this game to polish the enemies a lot more than. To sum up actually how fun the game is, I would play this game over all the other Borderlands games.

How much time tin you put into it?

There is honestly an unlimited amount of fourth dimension you could put into this game because of the replayability in the game. To vanquish just the campaign alone it volition take you 30 hours of gameplay to beat. If y'all become into the game at all, you lot volition want to play more. Non but will you be playing all the campaign and side missions, but you will also want to get 100% in your game. Likewise, if yous are the type of person, you might want to even play through the game again with the harder modes.

You might want to endeavour a unlike character to alter up the gameplay for you and that ways even more than time in the game, and so if you get this game, you will definitely get your coin'south worth out of it. You tin probably get 100 hours out of a 100% complete playthrough with just one mode and i unmarried graphic symbol and so the best option is to crush everything and so either play another grapheme or first the next manner.

How many planets tin y'all travel to?

There are a total of six places you can visit currently in Borderlands iii and because of the Season Pass, there volition exist more in the futurity. Equally you lot play the main story, the game will take you to these different places so if you don't want to come across all the different planets in the game, then skip this section. Hither are all the planets currently in-game.

Sanctuary – Your principal base where yous tin can talk to characters, restock, and navigate to different planets. This is also the place where yous tin can store items and occasionally play with the slots machines in Moxxi's bar.

Pandora – A barely-habitable rock that the Children of the Vault take fabricated their homeworld. Pandora's searing-hot deserts, roughshod wild fauna, and burgeoning brigand population take proved also much for all who tried to tame the planet and exploit its resources.

Promethea – Home to the Atlas corporation headquarters, Promethea is a metropolitan earth covered in futuristic towers of chrome and glass. A recent siege by Maliwan has turned the urban environment into a warzone and Atlas CEO Rhys Strongfork is getting desperate.

Athenas – A misty, tranquil planet that has recently attracted the incorrect kind of attending. Athenas is mostly uninhabited, relieve for a sect of monks known as the Order of the Impending Storm who made their home in the loftier peaks of the mountains.

Eden-6 – A backwater swampland of a planet, and family home of the Jakobs clan. Eden-half dozen is covered past lush greenery and stagnant waters, dotted with occasional settlements and rusted hulks of crashed spaceships. Civilization has never fully taken concord here, and ethnic danagers including ravenous Saurians and semi-sentient Jabbers finer rule the planet.

Nekrotafeyo – Believed to be a fairytale, Nekrotafeyo housed the Eridian civilization up until its sudden disappearance. Relics and writings on the planet reveal that the entire population of the planet was sacrificed to ability the Machine, which was used to incarcerate an aboriginal threat to the galaxy.

How does it compare to the other Borderlands games?

Everyone will have their own stance on this part simply I recollect that Borderlands 3 is better than Borderlands 2 considering of everything that 2K has improved. As a game that has nostalgia, I would definitely pick Borderlands ii over 3 considering of all the years nosotros had with it up to this point. Going back to 2 or the Pre-sequel, it does experience very clunky and slower compared to the new one because of everything 2K has done.

In all honesty, Borderlands three feels like a Borderlands game because of the setting and the gameplay, it just adds a lot to the series in full general. Information technology continues the storylines of other characters from other games and fifty-fifty finishes sure people's storylines. At that place is honestly soo much stuff packed into a game like this and will definitely bring back a lot of memories for those old-school Borderlands players.

Are there really over a billion guns?

Aye, to an extent. There are more than than a billion gun modes in the game. Each of the weapons yous get it has a chance to come with an actress firing fashion. No, not just semi-auto or single shot, more like the start fire way is a regular pistol, but the second fire style is a rocket launcher from the same gun! There are millions of guns that yous can get and each of them is very different from one some other.

They fifty-fifty accept guns with legs just like the trailer said to, which is amazing. I did not employ those weapon types very much just when I did, I had a lot of fun with them. There are also a ton of Legendary weapons for you to collect and each of them has their own special ability that goes with them. In that location is honestly soo many guns in the game.

How is the story?

The story is about the four Vault Hunters answering Lilith's phone call for assistance. She wants them to help fight against the Children of the Vault in a war that will have yous all over the galaxy. As yous progress, you will open up many different vaults that will give you special items and abilities that you did not take before. The story in the game is actually very good and is totally worth playing. As I said before, the entrada is about 30 hours of gameplay so y'all will not wing through information technology very hands.

Singleplayer vs. Multiplayer

This is the main reason that near people play these types of games, to play with their friends. Borderlands three gives you the same selection every bit the other games where you tin either play by yourself or play with either i, 2, or three other players. I bought the game proverb that I would play through information technology with another person, but I loved the game soo much that I played through information technology a lot faster than the other person did.

It all depends on what you want to do because information technology is a dissimilar experience playing by yourself versus playing with other people. You can play nevertheless you desire to because all the options are given to you as a role player. Take advantage of these options because other games might not have information technology.

Is it worth a buy?

I would highly recommend you buy this game if you are into the Borderlands series. It is honestly worth your time and money because it is just a great game. I am always looking for a great game to play and when I find something like this, I am very pleased by everything about it. If you accept the money and you love Borderlands, then get this game!


In determination, Borderlands 3 is a very good game. One may call up that it is terrible then it is up to the person's stance to come across if y'all like the game or non. If you end up buying the game, remember that you volition not exist disappointed past everything in information technology. Even if you crush the game, you will not exist bored because of all the endgame content in it. I would highly recommend this game.


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